Streaming mit CLIs
5. November 2023
Wenn man sich keinen Account bei Crunchyroll holt, um Anime anzuschauen, bedient man sich gerne bei anderen Plattformen. Allerdings verschwinden diese gerne nach einer gewissen Zeit und man muss sich wieder eine neue suchen. An sich kein Drama, aber wenn man weiß wonach man sucht, kann man sich den Weg zur Plattform sparen.
Das Kommandozeilen-Programm ani-cli
fragt nach dem Titel des Animes, den gibt man ein, anschließend kann man zwischen den gefundenen Einträge (i.d.R. Staffeln) wählen und zuletzt wählt man die Folge aus, die man anschauen möchte.
$ ani-cli --help
ani-cli [options] [query]
ani-cli [query] [options]
ani-cli [options] [query] [options]
-c, --continue
Continue watching from history
-d, --download
Download the video instead of playing it
-D, --delete
Delete history
-s, --syncplay
Use Syncplay to watch with friends
-S, --select-nth
Select nth entry
-q, --quality
Specify the video quality
-v, --vlc
Use VLC to play the video
-V, --version
Show the version of the script
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
-e, --episode, -r, --range
Specify the number of episodes to watch
Play dubbed version
Use rofi instead of fzf for the interactive menu
-U, --update
Update the script
Some example usages:
ani-cli -q 720p banana fish
ani-cli -d -e 2 cyberpunk edgerunners
ani-cli --vlc cyberpunk edgerunners -q 1080p -e 4
ani-cli blue lock -e 5-6
ani-cli -e "5 6" blue lock
Weniger Anime-spezifisch ist lobster
Damit lassen sich Filme und Serien streamen.
$ lobster --help
Usage: lobster [options] [query]
If a query is provided, it will be used to search for a Movie/TV Show
-c, --continue
Continue watching from current history
--clear-history, --delete-history
Deletes history
-d, --download [path]
Downloads movie or episode that is selected (if no path is provided, it defaults to the current directory)
-e, --edit
Edit config file using an editor defined with lobster_editor in the config ($EDITOR by default)
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
-i, --image-preview
Shows image previews during media selection (requires ueberzugpp to be installed to work with fzf)
-j, --json
Outputs the json containing video links, subtitle links, referrers etc. to stdout
-l, --language [language]
Specify the subtitle language (if no language is provided, it defaults to english)
--rofi, --dmenu, --external-menu
Use rofi instead of fzf
-p, --provider
Specify the provider to watch from (if no provider is provided, it defaults to UpCloud) (currently supported: Upcloud, Vidcloud)
-q, --quality
Specify the video quality (if no quality is provided, it defaults to 1080)
Suppress the output from mpv when playing a video
-r, --recent [movies|tv]
Lets you select from the most recent movies or tv shows (if no argument is provided, it defaults to movies)
-s, --syncplay
Use Syncplay to watch with friends
-t, --trending
Lets you select from the most popular movies and shows
-u, -U, --update
Update the script
-v, -V, --version
Show the version of the script
-x, --debug
Enable debug mode (prints out debug info to stdout and also saves it to /tmp/lobster.log)
All arguments can be specified in the config file as well.
If an argument is specified in both the config file and the command line, the command line argument will be used.
Some example usages:
lobster -i a silent voice --rofi
lobster -l spanish -q 720 fight club -i -d
lobster -l spanish blade runner --json